Neck Pain Relief
One of the reasons massage therapy has been such a rewarding career for me is because I see immediate results after just one session, and...

Ground Yourself?
Do you ever experience feelings of being overwhelmed, overthinking, or trouble sleeping. These are common symptoms of needing to be...

Meditation Vs Prayer
Mediation has become an important part of my life. The phases we go through have a cycle and there are periods of time when meditation...

What Exactly is Reiki?
What exactly is Reiki? I’ve been asked this question countless times. Reiki is a Japanese tradition of energy healing which is used to...

Sticks and Stones
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. This was a common saying I’m sure you’ve all heard at one time or...

Attracting Love
The search for a life partner is universal. That special person would be somebody that you not only love, but you also feel compatible...

Healers Need Healing Too
I am a healer and nurturer at my core, and I’ve learned many different skills to be able to transfer my healing energy to others. These...